Chinese Language and Culture Exam 2007 – Relay Telephone Message
N: Imagine you are sharing an apartment with some Chinese friends. You arrive home one day and listen to a message on the answering machine. The message is for one of those friends. You will listen twice to the message. Then relay the message, including the important details, by typing an e-mail to your friend.
MA: 小芳,你好!我是你的同学刘建民。我叔叔送给我五张后天晚上的京剧票。我和我的女朋友都去。希望你和你的男朋友也能去。我知道你哥哥也喜欢看京剧,你就帮我们请他一起去吧。戏院离我家不远,走十分钟的路就到了,所以后天晚上七点在我家集合。请给我回个电话,今天晚上我都在家。
N: Now listen again.
N: Now type an e-mail to your friend.
(300 seconds)
The following text is the traditional-character version of the recording script for the audio portion of the task shown in the previous screen image. Students heard this audio during the exam administration, but this text does not appear in the exam and is provided here for reference only.
Writing Question 4 of 4
N: Imagine you are sharing an apartment with some Chinese friends. You arrive home one day and listen to a message on the answering machine. The message is for one of those friends. You will listen twice to the message. Then relay the message, including the important details, by typing an e-mail to your friend.
MA: 小芳,你好!我是你的同學劉建民。我叔叔送給我五張後天晚上的京劇票。我和我的女朋友都去。希望你和你的男朋友也能去。我知道你哥哥也喜歡看京劇,你就幫我們請他一起去吧。戲院離我家不遠,走十分鐘的路就到了,所以後天晚上七點在我家集合。請給我回個電話,今天晚上我都在家。
N: Now listen again.
N: Now type an e-mail to your friend.
(300 seconds)