Question 2. The melody will be played four times. There will be a pause of 30 seconds after the first playing and a one-minute pause after each subsequent playing. The melody you will hear uses all four of the measures provided below and contains no rests. The melody will be played on a bassoon.
(Pause 5”)
The pitch of the first note has been provided. Be sure to notate the rhythm of that note. Now listen to the melody for the first time and begin to notate it.
(Pause 2”)
(Melody VC251597, recorded at Hagen’s with bassoon--preceded by metronome countoff)
(Pause 30”)
The melody for Question 2 will now be played a second time.
(Pause 2”)
(Melody, without metronome countoff)
(Pause 1’)
The melody for Question 2 will now be played a third time.
(Pause 2”)
(Melody, without metronome countoff)
(Pause 1’)
The melody for Question 2 will now be played a final time.
(Pause 2”)
(Melody, without metronome countoff)
(Pause 1’)
Please go on to the next set of questions.
(Pause 2”)