Section 2: Descriptive summary of the retention measures
Section 2: Descriptive summary of the retention measures
Student 2nd Year Retention
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for all Students
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for Returning Students
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for Non-Returning Students
Section 3: Evaluating Study Measures
Section 3: Evaluating Study Measures
Mean Retention Rate by SAT Total Score Quartile
Characteristics of Returning and Non-Returning Students
Frequency of Retention Descriptors and Predictors for Non-Returning Students
Venn Diagram

Section 4: Modeling Retention
Section 4: Modeling Retention
Base Regression Model Fit Summary
Base Regression Model Summary
Base Model Success - Predicted Retention and Actual Retention
Full Regression Model Fit Summary
Full Regression Model Summary
Full Model Success - Predicted Retention and Actual Retention
Decision Tree Model

Decision Tree Success–Predicted Retention and Actual Retention
Section 5: Using 2nd Year Retention prediction models to identify students possibly at risk
Section 5: Using 2nd Year Retention prediction models to identify students possibly at risk
Calculating Predicted Retention Probability from Retention Scores
Predicted 2nd Year Retention Probability Based on SAT Total score
Predicted 2nd Year Retention Probability Based on SAT Total score and HS GPA
Estimated Predicted 2nd Year Retention Probabilities by SAT Total score and HS GPA
Statistical Summaries for Subgroups
Subgroup Results Predicting Retention - Base Regression Model
Subgroup Results Predicting Retention - Full Regression Model
Statistical Summaries for SCHOOL: College
Student 2nd Year Retention for SCHOOL: College
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for all Students in SCHOOL: College
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for Returning Students in SCHOOL: College
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for Non-Returning Students in SCHOOL: College
Characteristics of Returning and Non-Returning Students for SCHOOL: College
Frequency of Retention Descriptors and Predictors for Non-Returning Students in SCHOOL: College
Venn Diagram

Base Regression Model Fit Summary for SCHOOL: College
Base Regression Model Summary for SCHOOL: College
Base Model Success - Predicted Retention and Actual Retention for SCHOOL: College
Full Regression Model Fit Summary for SCHOOL: College
Full Regression Model Summary for SCHOOL: College
Full Model Success - Predicted Retention and Actual Retention for SCHOOL: College
Decision Tree Model for SCHOOL: College

Decision Tree Success–Predicted Retention and Actual Retention for SCHOOL: College
Statistical Summaries for SCHOOL: Engineering
Student 2nd Year Retention for SCHOOL: Engineering
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for all Students in SCHOOL: Engineering
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for Returning Students in SCHOOL: Engineering
Statistical Summaries of Study Measures for Non-Returning Students in SCHOOL: Engineering
Characteristics of Returning and Non-Returning Students for SCHOOL: Engineering
Frequency of Retention Descriptors and Predictors for Non-Returning Students in SCHOOL: Engineering
Venn Diagram

Base Regression Model Fit Summary for SCHOOL: Engineering
Base Regression Model Summary for SCHOOL: Engineering
Base Model Success - Predicted Retention and Actual Retention for SCHOOL: Engineering
Full Regression Model Fit Summary for SCHOOL: Engineering
Full Regression Model Summary for SCHOOL: Engineering
Full Model Success - Predicted Retention and Actual Retention for SCHOOL: Engineering
Decision Tree Model for SCHOOL: Engineering

Decision Tree Success–Predicted Retention and Actual Retention for SCHOOL: Engineering