Section 1: Summary of student performance in MATH110

Section 1: Summary of student performance in MATH110


Students in MATH110 by their path of entry

Percent of students performing at or above a selected criterion of success in MATH110

Choose a cutoff grade:

Distribution of CLEP Exam scores in the CLEP credit group

Graphic display of Exam Scores in the CLEP credit group

Section 2: Statistical comparison of student performance in MATH110

Section 2: Statistical comparison of student performance in MATH110


Performance of the comparison groups in MATH110

Section 3: Summary of student performance in the CLEP-equivalent course(s) for MATH110

Section 3: Summary of student performance in the CLEP-equivalent course(s) for MATH100, 882, 1


Summary of student performance in the CLEP-equivalent courses

Percent of students performing at or above a selected criterion of success in MATH100

Choose a cutoff grade:

Section 4: Characteristics of students in MATH110

Section 4: Characteristics of students in MATH110


Characteristics of students who entered MATH100 through CLEP Credit

Characteristics of students who entered MATH100 through CLEP-equivalent course(s)