Section 1: Descriptive summary of the admission measures

Section 1: Descriptive summary of the admission measures


Statistical summaries of study measures

Section 2: Evaluating Admission Measures

Section 2: Evaluating Admission Measures


Mean Cumulative GPA through first year by SAT Total Score

Mean Cumulative GPA through first year by SAT Total Score and HS GPA

Predictive strength of admission measures in your study, adjusted correlation

Predictive strength of admission measures in your study, raw correlation

Evaluating college readiness and predictions for all students and subgroups

Section 3: Using the Admissions Measures for Future Students

Section 3: Using the Admissions Measures for Future Students


Percentage of students at or above selected Cumulative GPA through first year values by SAT Total score quartiles and HS GPA quartiles for Students with High School GPA between 3.90 to 4.00

Percent of Students
60% - 75%
75% +

Percentage of students at or above selected Cumulative GPA through first year values by SAT Total score quartiles and HS GPA quartiles for Students with High School GPA between 3.70 to 3.80

Percent of Students
60% - 75%
75% +

Percentage of students at or above selected Cumulative GPA through first year values by SAT Total score quartiles and HS GPA quartiles for Students with High School GPA between 3.50 to 3.60

Percent of Students
60% - 75%
75% +

Percentage of students at or above selected Cumulative GPA through first year values by SAT Total score quartiles and HS GPA quartiles for Students with High School GPA between 2.80 to 3.40

Percent of Students
60% - 75%
75% +

Section 4: Using the Predicted GPA for Current Students

Section 4: Using the Predicted GPA for Current Students


Summary of performance: expected and actual Cumulative GPA through first year at college success cut-point

Plot of actual Cumulative GPA through first year by predicted Cumulative GPA through first year

Additional detail for students performing lower than predicted

Additional detail for students performing higher than predicted

Appendix A: Prediction equations for all students


Predictive strength of admission measures (raw and adjusted correlations)

Prediction equations for all students

Statistical Summaries for Gender


Summaries of study measures for Gender

Statistical Summaries for Ethnicity


Summaries of study measures for Ethnicity

Statistical Summaries for Commuter


Summaries of study measures for Commuter

Predictive strength of admission measures in your study for students in Commuter: Commuter

Prediction equations for students in Commuter: Commuter

Predictive strength of admission measures in your study for students in Commuter: Non-commuter

Prediction equations for students in Commuter: Non-commuter